Your support would be more than welcome

The Papageno Foundation does not receive funding for the Papageno Huis Laren or for the music therapy. This means that in order to do our work, we depend on people who are prepared to support us. Your support is therefore more than welcome, in whatever formthat takes.

Would you like to help? Please contact us. 

No tax: we can therefore do more with your contribution

anbi logoThe Papageno Foundation is a Public Benefit Organization(ANBI). This means that we do not have to pay tax on your donations and that we can invest anything you give intohelping children and young people with autism. You can read more about the ANBI status at

Beleidsplan Stichting Papageno 2017-2018.pdf

Financieel overzicht Stichting Papageno 2017

Financieel overzicht Stichting Papageno Huis 2017