With the help of the KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds, the Papageno Foundation has launched a unique project: teaching children with autism (aged 8 to 12) how to use the specially developed Papageno Music App as part of their music therapy. This gives them the opportunity to make and share music with friends, family and the music therapist. The app is playful, educational and contemporary. Whenever making contact is not a given for a child, the Papageno Music App is an infectious and accessible “communication tool”.
The Papageno Music App complements the music therapy that the Papageno Foundation has been providing to children with autism for more than 20 years. Our music therapists already make full use of instruments (djembe, keyboard and guitar), the voice, improvisation, game-type exercises and existing music. Now the children will also be learning how to work with the Papageno Music App as part of their therapy.
Why a Music App?
Many young children love music and enjoy playing on a tablet or smartphone, so the Papageno Music App is a perfect fit for them. With the app, children can make music, perform challenges and win badges together, using their phone or tablet. They can also share music and exchange messages via a (well-protected and secure) online platform.
How it works
During their music therapy sessions, the therapists explain to the children how the Papageno Music App works. After that, the children can start making music themselves, or with the music therapist. Depending on their musical level, the children start with simple rhythms, adding melodies later. The simple, accessible design of the Papageno Music App allows children to quickly create their own musical pieces. This is especially important for children with autism: it gives them self-confidence. Moreover, the online platform lowers the threshold for making contact with others.
Want to know more?
The TEAM Papageno Music App is primarily intended for children aged 8 to 12 years who are offered music therapy through the Papageno Foundation. This target group may be expanded at a later stage.
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